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Oswald Chambers Kid on a Phone    From My Utmost for His Highest

. . . it has not yet been revealed what we shall be . . . —1 John 3

I've felt this coming on for some time.

See, somewhere in the list of to-do's and wouldn't-it-be-nice's and shouldn't-I-at-least's I lost track of God. {Tweet} He was there. I mean, deep down the book and this ministry and everything I was doing was to share this love I had. But to do that, I needed to go through editing and decide on a cover and get the website up and running and build a platform on Facebook and Tweet, yes, of course I had to tweet.

And somewhere in that list of things, I lost track of the Who I was doing this for. {Tweet} Like a child who set aside her life to care for an aging parent, I shooshed God because I was on an important call for His care.

It's kind of silly . . .

. . . really. God didn't need me for anything. It was His grace alone that let me be part of this, and yet, I felt like I was doing, helping, making. But really, I'm like this child, on a payphone in the airport, allowed to call at His pleasure and with no one on the other line except who He put there. I like that picture.

I had a forecast. I wanted to move 10,000 books. In the last three weeks, God brought 48,000 people to download A Rooster Once Crowed.

I'm not sure where this is going from here, but I pray that I'll take Chambers' words to heart and focus on the source--the light that never fails.

Lord, I am sorry. You invited me in to fellowship with you and I got busy. I set about bettering and biggering and all You wanted was me. I don't know where We go from here, but I'm breathlessly expectant. I can't wait. Let me keep on this path, but not to accomplish or make or change, but merely as something that we can do together. We're not starting a yacht business, We're building a boat together. {Tweet}Whether it floats or sinks doesn't matter as much as the hours we spend enjoying each other. I'm sorry I forgot that. I've become a promoter and You want a believer. Let me know You like a child--with no idea what the day will bring except that You will open that door and smile. {Tweet} I am certain of that. I love You. Amen.

I love you.


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