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St. Bartholomew's Day massacre     From My Utmost for His Highest
. . . seek, and you will find . . . —Luke 11

Chambers can get on a roll, and for the last few days (and a few more) he details the things we should do to move on in our faith. In A Rooster Once Crowed, we call it breaking off the porch. If you haven't seen the porch video yet, CLICK HERE to see it.

The book details 5 specific things, but the one that closest relates to today's lesson is "immerse yourself in Scripture." Condiser this excerpt from A Rooster Once Crowed:

It takes five minutes to read a chapter of the Bible, yet setting aside that time is extremely difficult.

There is something bordering on mystical that happens in your life when you commit to reading and studying Scripture. Just like nine ladies cannot have a baby in a month, the steady plodding of reading a little or a lot each and every day begins to work miracles.

In my life, if I read seven chapters all at once each week, I forgo the power that reading a single chapter a day for a week unlocks. I cannot cite specific Scripture about it, but I dare you to produce different results. Ten times out of ten, when my heart gets off track or I’m developing self-centered relationships or I grow unthankful, it’s clear that I’ve not been in the Word lately.

Men died for the Bible. Did you know that? Thousands died in pursuit of a reliable, readable translation written in a language that people actually spoke. Other men, who spent their lives studying Scripture, felt its power was too great for you and me to even access. Doesn’t that make you want to read it?

With repentance, you’ve got to want that yourself. You must love God so much that you don’t care about embarrassing yourself or digging up forgotten corners of your life.

But this is different. You can will yourself to read for a while, but eventually it will slip. Ask God to change your preferences and to build a thirst for Scripture in you and to increase your curiosity about Him. We sometimes think God won’t affect our free will, but if it is our will for it to be affected, He’ll do it—if you ask.

Spend time in Scripture as one seeking its truth and you’ll see the world through different eyes—His eyes. 

EXCERPTED FROM A Rooster Once Crowed: A Commentary on the Greatest Story Ever Told (without four linked Scripture provided in the book), Afterword-Questions from the Front (pgs. 193-194). AVAILABLE FORMATS are linked at Full Porch Press.

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